Some of these lyrics are just so evocative: "Would you do it for me? Heal the scars, and change the stars? Would you do it for me? Turn loose the heavens within!" - "Come out, come out, wherever you are - so lost in your sea!" "Just once is all I need!" The momentum the song builds is important - it sort of moves from ballad territory to midtempo to uptempo, making it a joy to listen to from beginning to end. Atmospherically and emotionally it feels like a downtempo song, but objectively it is not a downtempo song and even ends as an uptempo song. She is restrained when she needs to be restrained, and leaves nothing on the table when that is called for. Moreover, this song was written just for Tarja it is a song that also shows what she in particular brought to the table. It is standalone, possibly Nightwish's best standard-length song.

What ecstasy he must have felt knowing he had come up with something like this. I can only imagine how Tuomas felt as this song was revealed to him. This song blew me away when I first heard it 13 years ago, and it still has the ability to make me gasp. It's a romantic vision of the world that wants to live.
It's as romantic and full of longing as anything on 'Oceanborn', as catchy as anything on 'Once', as heartbreaking as anything else on 'Century Child', yet not without hope. The second verse smartly gets in and out, with a little spin, building energy for the second chorus, a break-it-down-build-it-back-up bridge, and a steamroller of a key change ending the album with newly urgent drums. They float somewhere between the universal and the particular. The lyrics are more evocative and suggestive than explicit and tightly-knit. The atmosphere is like the cover of the 'Century Child' album, like echoes in a deep crystal cave, deep in thought, brooding and fighting with oneself and longing for something that seems lost beyond reach. The song begins gently, with synths coming on like waves. It starts off with a fragile, elegant keyboard line and Tarja's restrained voice.