Sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https -yĮcho 'deb stable ubiquiti' | sudo tee /etc/apt//100-ubnt-unifi. Sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jre-headless -y
#Unifi controller raspberry pi update
Let’s go! sudo apt-get update & sudo apt-get upgrade -y & sudo apt-get autoremove -y & sudo apt-get autoclean -y Raspberry Pi 2 Model B running the unifi controller version 5.9.29 (and a few other bits not relevant for this post) All software and firmware is updated to the latest version. Having just invested in a UniFi AP UAP-AC-Lite (it is absolutely fantastic), and refusing to spend £70 on the USB UniFi controller or wanting to use the cloud system, I needed to get the UniFi controller installed. v1.5 of UniFiPi is out now Please remember that you can update to the latest version if you already have an older version of UniFiPi by updating your packages within your Webmin interface, rather thanRead more. This is almost always due to the RPi not having enough entropy to generate proper random numbers required by the controller. We’ll update the Raspbian installation, add the necessary packages ( openjdk8) circumvent the slow startup time which occurs because of the lack of harvesting mouse movement as base for randomness ( haveged) and finally, add the UniFi repo and key to our sources and install the controller itself. UniFiPi v1.5 The modular UniFi Controller on a Raspberry Pi. sudo apt install openjdk-8-jre-headless Installing the RNG-TOOLS (Optional, sort of) The Unifi support forums are loaded with complaints of the Raspberry Pi Unifi Controller taking forever to startup and running very slowly. CloudKeys are nice – but if we already have a Raspberry lying around, why not use that to host the UniFi Controller? Here are the steps to do so. Raspberry Pi 3B + UniFi Controller is a compact device with pre-installed UniFi Controller with the possibility of remote management of all Unifi AP units.