
Refid bam file format
Refid bam file format

refid bam file format

ForĪsBam asSam, and sortBam this is without theĪ GRanges() instance with destination. The sorted, filtered, or merged output file will be created. The character(1) file name of the location where The character(1) name of the index file of the 'BAM' fileīeing processed this is given without the '.bai' extension. For mergeBam, must satisfy length(files) >= The character() file names of the ‘BAM’ file to be The character(1) file name of the ‘BAM’ ('SAM' for , region = GRanges (), overwrite = FALSE, header = character (), byQname = FALSE, addRG = FALSE, compressLevel1 = FALSE, indexDestination = FALSE ) ) # S4 method for signature 'character' mergeBam ( files, destination. ) # S4 method for signature 'character' indexBam ( files. , byQname = FALSE, maxMemory = 512 ) indexBam ( files. ) # S4 method for signature 'character' sortBam ( file, destination. , filter = FilterRules (), indexDestination = TRUE, param = ScanBamParam ( what = scanBamWhat ())) sortBam ( file, destination. ) # S4 method for signature 'character' filterBam ( file, destination, index = file. , overwrite = FALSE ) filterBam ( file, destination, index = file. ) # S4 method for signature 'character' asSam ( file, destination = sub ( "\\.bam", "", file ). , overwrite = FALSE, indexDestination = TRUE ) asSam ( file, destination = sub ( "\\.bam", "", file ).

refid bam file format

) # S4 method for signature 'character' asBam ( file, destination = sub ( "\\.sam(\\.gz)?", "", file ). ) # S4 method for signature 'character' scanBamHeader ( files. , param = ScanBamParam ()) idxstatsBam ( file, index = file. , param = ScanBamParam ( what = scanBamWhat ())) countBam ( file, index = file.

  • zip: File compression for tabix (bgzip) and fasta (razip) files.
  • refid bam file format

  • testPairedEndBam: Quickly test if a BAM file has paired end reads.
  • TabixFile-class: Manipulate tabix indexed tab-delimited files.
  • seqnamesTabix: Retrieve sequence names defined in a tabix file.
  • scanTabix: Operations on 'tabix' (indexed, tab-delimited) files.
  • scanFa: Operations on indexed 'fasta' files.
  • ScanBcfParam-class: Parameters for scanning BCF files.
  • ScanBamParam-class: Parameters for scanning BAM files.
  • scanBam: Import, count, index, filter, sort, and merge 'BAM' (binary.
  • refid bam file format

  • Rsamtools-package: 'samtools' aligned sequence utilities interface.
  • RsamtoolsFileList-class: A base class for managing lists of Rsamtools file references.
  • RsamtoolsFile-class: A base class for managing file references in Rsamtools.
  • readPileup: Import samtools 'pileup' files.
  • quickBamFlagSummary: Group the records of a BAM file based on their flag bits and.
  • PileupFiles-class: Represent BAM files for pileup summaries.
  • pileup: Use filters and output formats to calculate pile-up.
  • indexTabix: Compress and index tabix-compatible files.
  • headerTabix: Retrieve sequence names defined in a tabix file.
  • FaFile-class: Manipulate indexed fasta files.
  • defunct: Rsamtools Deprecated and Defunct.
  • BamViews-class: Views into a set of BAM files.
  • BamFile-class: Maintain and use BAM files.
  • ApplyPileupsParam-class: Parameters for creating pileups from BAM files.
  • applyPileups: Apply a user-provided function to calculate pile-up.

  • Refid bam file format